



How many treatments for endometriosis do you know?

Endometriosis is a common disease for reproductive women. It is such a kind of disease that endometrial tissue grows in the places out of uterine cavity. Endometriosis is one of common diseases that can effect women's lives and healthy so much because of its symptoms like heavy bleeding and menstrual pain. Although the pathogenesis of endometriosis is still unknown, many people hold the view that endometriosis was caused by body function changing and local lesion attacking. However, how many treatments for endometriosis do you know?
Hormonotherapy: a treatment suits for reproductive women
As for Western medicine, the most common treatment for endometriosis is hormonotherapy and operative treatment. Hormonotherapy is a kind that treatment that women should take progestogen and estrogen to restrain the growth of endometrium tissues such as taking contraceptive. What's more, almost all kinds of contraceptives contain progestogen and estrogen, which can control ovulation and slow down or stop the growing of endometrial tissue. But if women stopped contraceptive, endometrium tissues will grow again. And this disease may become severer.
Operative treatment: a treatment suits for women don't have fertility requirements
Currently, operative treatments for endometriosis are various. This treatment focus on removing intrauterine adhesion. Thus different types of endometriosis need different treatments. Although this disease has many types, the major types are focus excision, cyst excision and so on. This treatment is effective, but it has certain risk. After operation, the pain may relieve, but healthy endometriosis tissue could be damaged and some abnormal tissues might be left. So for the women who have fertility requirements, it is better for them to choose a healthier treatment such as herbal treatment - fuyan pill
Fuyan pill: a treatment that suits for women who have fertility requirements
Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease. it is closely related to the periodical change of ovary. Its major symptom is period pain. Some other symptoms are chronic pelvic cavity pain and dyspareunia. Some of the patients may even have infertility. Relieving pain is the key to cure endometriosis. As for the women who have fertility requirements, fuyan pills is the best option. It can promote qi circulation to relieve pain and promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis
Fuyan Pill is a good herbal treatment for endometriosis. Compared with surgery, it can eradicate this condition and does not have any side effects though it may work slowly. In general, sufferers can recover in three months.

How to read semen routine analysis and centrifugal test?

As many men have the problems of semen, few of them know how to read semen routine analysis and centrifugal test. In fact, both examinations are very common in the male check. Then the followings explain how to read semen routine analysis and centrifugal test.
Semen routine analysis-identify male fertility
Because the quality of sperms plays the key role in male fertility, it is suggested to take semen routine analysis before they want to have babies.
Semen analysis items include semen volume, color, viscosity, PH value, liquefying time, agglomeration degree, activity ratio, density and amount, form, leukocyte and erythrocyte etc. Generally, judgment criteria of sperm quality are following: the amount: 2ml; color: light yellow; PH: 7.4; leukocyte: a little; erythrocyte: none. If there is erythrocyte or too much leukocyte in the semen, it is most likely to be caused by inflammation.
Centrifugal test- identify whether there are sperms
When microscope can hardly find any sperm in semen routine analysis, many patients are suggested to take centrifugal test in order to make a definite diagnosis if patients suffer from azoospermatism or severe asthenozoospermia. 
After centrifuging in the centrifugal machine, semen is taken to do microscopic examination. If just 20-25 active sperms can be seen, it will be considered as asthenozoospermia; if there is no sperm after three centrifugations, it will be diagnosed as azoospermatism.
All in all, both examinations aim at male’s semen. If there is no sperm through microscope, centrifugal test will be suggested. Besides, in order to keep the veracity, it is better for men to take masturbation to collect semen.

As we all know that asthenozoospermia has the bad effect on fertility, it is necessary for patients to find out pathogenesis and take the suitable treatment in time. When asthenozoospermia is caused by inflammation of urogenital canal, medicines with the function of clearing inflammation and dispersing blood stasis are needed. For example, the Chinese herbal medicine diuretic anti-inflammatory pill, which is made from pure natural herbs without any side effect, has the remarkable effect on it.

article source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/a/Blog/2014/0912/234.html

Brief introduction of four physiological functions of prostate

Prostate gland is a walnut-sized gland located directly below the bladder in men. The prostate is just in front of the rectum. The urethra runs through the center of the prostate, from the bladder to the penis, letting urine flow out of the body. This gland is very important. It has close connection with male fertility and urination. Once prostate is affected by infection, not only the physiological functions of prostate can be affected, but also symptoms like painful or difficult urination, pain in the groin, pelvic area or genitals can be experienced by men. 
Since prostate is so important, what do the physiological functions of prostate gland have?
Prostate, as the biggest auxiliary sexual gland of men, is important for men’s reproductive ability. Prostatic fluid discharged by prostate gland is an important component of semen, because it can nourish and transport sperm. The discharge of prostatic fluid is controlled by male hormone.
Urination control
As I mentioned before, the prostate is a walnut-sized gland located directly below the bladder in men. The prostate gland which is close to bladder neck and around the urethra is a part of the proximal urethra wall. What’s more, by surrounding the urethra with its circular smooth muscle fibers, prostate gland is also a part of urethral sphincter. Therefore, when there is an urge of urinating, with the contraction of detrusor and the relaxation of internal sphincter, urinating happens.
Clinically, there are two ejaculatory ducts passing through the prostate, so when there is ejaculation, with the muscle contraction of prostate and seminal vesicle, the materials in ejaculatory ducts and seminal vesicle can be pressed into posterior urethra and then pushed out of body.
Prostate is full of 5α-reductase. This reductase can convert the testosterone into dihydrotestosterone which is more active on physiology. Because dihydrotestosterone plays an important role in the appearance of benign prostatic hyperplasia, to cure the benign prostatic hyperplasia, men need to reduce the production of dihydrotestosterone by stopping the discharge of 5α-reductase.

To sum up, prostate is important for men. Once there is disease on prostate gland, please accept timely treatment. Herbal pill named Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is good at treating all kind of prostatitis.

article source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/a/Blog/2014/0913/235.html

掛け布団 - ハイファッションと機能

ファッション業界は、大きな熱意をもって寝具の設計を締結しており、彼らはまだ管理し、毎年、その膨大なエルメネジルドゼニア アウトレット創 意工夫で私たちを驚かせるために何か新しい、新鮮なを思い付く。私が子供だったとき、シートはキャンディストライプや無地のどちらが白だったし、すべての 掛け布団はキルティングサテン、赤、緑または青であった​​。私は私がそれで私のつま先を入れて、非常に満足リッピング音とシートの長寿命があるまで引っ 張る必要があったので、もちろんそれは、その中に小さな穴があったことをとても着用していました、私のベッドの上でシートを持っていた1時間を覚えて最後 に来た!

私の母は笑って、それが私にいくつかの新しいベッドを取得するための時間だったことを認めなければならなかhttp://www.itariaautorettjp.comっ た。つまり、今や決して起こらないだろうと私たちは私たちのベッドルームを改装するときのファッションは決まります。私はそれはあなたが今日買うことがで きる素敵な色とデザインを持っている人生の小さな楽しみの一つだと思うので、私はそのことについて申し訳ありませんと私は、私は私の寝室の上に作るたび に、私はリフレッシュし、再感じることを見つけると言うことはできません-energized。掛け布団は、ファッショントレンドセッターを、あなたの趣 味を祝う、あなたの人格を宣言あなたの良い味を表示し、ようにする方法です。


多くの場合に記載されているデザイナーのハンドバッグは、すべての女性の「アクセサリーウィッシュリエルメネジルドゼニア アウトレットス トを持っている必要があります」。デザイナーのラベルと一緒に信じられないほどの出来映えと美しいデザインは、ほとんどの女性がハンドバッグに見たい資質 です。デザイナーハンドバッグは、実際には完璧な装いの鍵である。ニューヨークファッションウィークは、2010年には、多くのデザイナーの作品を発表 秋。アクセサリーのデザイナーの摩耗から、すべてのものがありました。しかし、みんなの注目を集めて一つのことは、多くの色のブランドのバッグであった​ ​。 NYFWの主要ファッションショーで、さまざまなスタイルで提示されたクラッチ、ハンドバッグやトートバッグがたくさんありました。



ラルフローレン2010年秋コレクションは、さまざまな形やスタイルのバッグの多様な提示されたエルメネジルドゼニア 店舗。 これらのハンドバッグについての主なものは、彼らは、すべてのクラスとスタイルを代表する、革で作られていたということでした。これらのデザイナーハンド バッグは、美しく、デザイナーの服と合併し、非常にスタイリッシュな方法で展示された。色は非常に基本的で、茶色と黒のような素朴なでした。ショーのハイ ライトは、ブリーフケース風の黒革のバッグだった。


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